Tom McCreery, MS

Innovation Fellow

Thomas McCreery, Innovation Fellow at XCMR is also Vice President of Innovation and Chief Operating Officer for Zeteo Tech, Inc.

Prior to co-founding Zeteo Tech Mr. McCreery was the innovation technology lead for the Advanced Missile Systems product line of Raytheon Missile System where he was responsible for creating and leading technology programs ranging from novel structural materials to the use of directed energy to enhance the destruction of anthrax spores.

As a program manager in the Special Projects Office and Strategic Technology Office of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency he created and managed programs in the areas of Radiation Decontamination and Detection, Biological Sensors, Battlefield Medicine, and Advanced Warheads.

Mr. McCreery was awarded a DARPA program award for the HISSS program and the Office of Secretary of Defense Medal for Exceptional Public Service. Prior to DARPA Mr. McCreery was the lead biologist for ImaRx Pharmaceutical Corp in Tucson Arizona where he was involved in pharmaceutical development from benchtop formulation to human trials.

Mr. McCreery received a BS in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Arizona, an MS in Biology from the University of North Dakota and an MBA from the Eller School at the University of Arizona.

Mr. McCreery served as an M1 Abrams tank crewman in the US Army Reserve and was awarded the Army Achievement Medal with one oak leaf cluster. Mr. McCreery is the author of over 30 publications and is an inventor on 12 issued US Patents.